
Small bridges

A little bit of structural design goes a long way! I found this glass bridge while walking to the office the other day near Ladbroke Grove. Apart from the properly engineered glass elements the contrast of materials is just great. Two masonry buildings built a hundred years or so before connected with the magical 'new' structural material glass.

If you look up close you can see the triple-laminate glass beams behind the glass facade panels. The whole thing is simple yet sensitive - no clumsy brackets and bolts here. And crossing it must give the users a chance to escape for a moment the heavy interiors each side and step into another world.

Speaking of bridges, on February 19 I managed to get on the first flight of the reinstated BA0007 now flying from Heathrow to Haneda. This really does bring Tokyo and London a little bit closer! 

和服を着ていた二人の女性が降りるゲートで「Welcome to Haneda!」と皆を歓迎していた。

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